Vantage Association Document Library

This page contains various documents that are useful to Vantage residents, including a plat map, annual meeting notes, rules, forms, etc. See below for a list of documents available.

Vantage Homes Association Documents

NOTE: Some of the below documents contain an outdated PO Box number for the Association.
The current mailing address for Vantage Homes Association is: PO Box 6063, Alexandria, VA 22306-0052

Disclosure Documents

Virginia state law requires that home buyers in Vantage be provided with a Disclosure Package, and the law specifies the content of the disclosure package, including association financial information, status of the property’s account, and a statement regarding any rule violations of the property. Home sellers in Vantage are advised to get a disclosure package when they start the sales process so they can give buyers a disclosure package as soon as the sale is committed. Buyers have a short period after receiving the disclosure package when they can cancel the sale without penalty, and it is wise to complete that period well before the planned closing.

Requests for a complete Disclosure Package can be submitted using the form below.

–> Disclosure Package Order Form <–

Board Meeting Minutes

Local Area Documents