Members Present:
Anna Urman
Kerri Shilts
Eric Kerby
Jim McDonald
Kristina Scrimshaw
Connor Tracy
Meeting called to order at 7:18pm.
Review of previous meeting’s minutes memory refresher on paid lien. Minutes approved and will be posted online. Prior months’ meeting minutes not approved yet; the board will need to review and approve those minutes in another meeting. Angela volunteered to send the links of past minutes to the board with the request to review them.
Meeting scheduling: Wednesday is the preferred night, and Tuesday will be the alternate night if needed. Next month’s meeting will be on Tuesday the 13th due to Wednesday the 14th being Valentine’s Day.
Treasurer’s Report: Financial statements sent this past weekend for review. They contained legal/attorney bills, final payment for req. assessment, dues for business license, and taxes. Late notices for dues not paid yet sent out. Agreement signed with company for 3-year landscaping of public areas. Also paid lien notary bill.
Facebook business: re preapproval of posts—noticed a positive change in posts and less adverts since preapproval was switched on. Connor mentioned someone reached out with an urgent request and he approved it we may consider preapproving accounts for people we know DO reside in the neighborhood. Anna got a PM about a group fitness post; she also raised a question about parameters for what is acceptable and what is not when trying to preapprove. We can’t validate by address since rentals are not accounted for, only owners. May want to see if we can do a cross-check of sorts and ask the renter for the landlord’s name. Looking for someone to lead these initiatives.
Shed Keys: Kristina has shed keys. All present at this meeting have a copy. Two extras designated as loaner keys for people such as picnic coordinators, etc.
All new members have login and access for the cloud documents and had trouble logging into the ticketing system. Eric tabled it until the end of the meeting so all new members could troubleshoot the process together.
Reviewed list of digital assets: NextCloud, ticketing system, WordPress, A2 Hosting. Angela volunteered to handle WordPress since she has experience.
Playground Update: Hunter could not attend meeting, but gave approval to go with the alternative company, solidify the estimate, etc. Got final quote and line item for deposit. Kristina brought up mulch question: is rubber mulch safe for kids and the environment or should we stick with natural materials? Kristina volunteered to research the topic and report back.
Santa Visit: The board thanked Jim for his efforts and acknowledged some timing issues, but overall, the event was a success. Kerri mentioned that some stops were skipped—the truck went straight up vantage and never made the turns indicated in the map. Board made a resolution to plan route for next year and ensure all participating parties are aware. Jim picked up three remaining Santa Stop signs (1,2,6). He confirmed that he did place them back in the shed.
Picnic: Usually the first Saturday after Labor Day. September 14, 2024
Yard Sale: Usually the first Saturday after the picnic. September 21, 2024
Spring Sale: Previous year—April 22, 2023 | April 20, 2024 will be this year’s.
Raised question about sign not being out timely this year on the corner of Vantage and S. Kings. The sign is with the people who live on that corner, and the board will need to coordinate with them about putting it up 2x a year. Owners’ names are Randy and Kara Martinson. Eric forwarded their contact information via email.
Annual Meeting: Third Monday in October. 21st October 2024. Kristina asked how we could get more people to attend, and the board discussed several possible outreach methods.
Current methods include mailing list (about 150 on it right now), Nextdoor, Facebook, snail mail, website, and quarterly newsletter we need to do better about promoting these sources of information (i.e., send something in dues payment invoices). Options discussed for outreach included generating an email list, sponsored bake sale, seed packets and a note, HOA lemonade stand with donations to charity box as “payment,” block party.
Further discussion about block party: idea is that we would have a street party of sorts with food trucks and maybe a couple of activities. Kristina volunteered to lead the initiative and create an outreach committee.
Tickets: spring yard sale query, P.O. Box info.
Discussion about structure in the woods: looks abandoned and has been there awhile. Jim noted that he has seen people there about a month and a half back. Eric noted that HOA members should not approach anyone alone and to contact Brian Mazuc for guidelines on how to handle the situation. Suggested that someone take it down, Kristina seconded. Connor volunteered.
Private Street Signs: there are two up that are still legible—6917 Lodestone Court and 4337 Rock Creek Road. He asked we look and come back with any thoughts/opinions.
Stormwater/Swale issues: county is exploring the option of converting the swale into a stream in Swirly Slide Park. County needs an easement—who owns the property? Can’t continue until known. Kristina raised the question of tagged trees at the end of Vantage—do those have to do with the stormwater/swale project? Someone confirmed yes. Someone suggested inviting someone from the city to speak at an upcoming board meeting and we make it open to the public; may help clear up any misconceptions about the project. Jim confirmed he will reach out to the rep.
Adopt a Highway: Ed Burkman was the former chair of the AAH. Did cleanup events and handled VDOT correspondence. Our sponsorship has lapsed, and we need a new committee chair ASAP. Kristina volunteered.
Motion to adjourn and adjourned at 8:56pm.