Minutes of HOA Board Meeting on March 13, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:19pm.

Members Present

Angela Harrison Eng

Eric Kerby

Jim McDonald

Kristina Scrimshaw

Connor Tracy

Anna Urman

Last month’s meeting minutes were approved and will be posted online, along with past due postings.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Major expense: playground. Half paid (13k); second half will be the same amount.
  • Other expenses: insurance, liability, lawyer, caution tape.
  • Received three disclosure packages.
  • Note: documentation for playground expenses needed in records.


  • Mulch was verified as a separate contract from the other contracts. If it is coming, it will be another week or two; playground contractors are not doing it.
  • Acknowledged that there is an issue with mulch at the playground—cannot confirm there is any remedy in action. Need to touch base with Hunter about the status. Eric said we need a new playground chairperson—we could solicit Facebook for help. Connor and Kristina also said they would be interested in serving on committee. Angela offered to craft a FB post asking for help.


  • Kristina is now in possession of information, bags, vests, and other equipment, and is interested in trying to solicit help.

Block Party

  • Fliers needed. Angela volunteered to make them, and Connor and Kristina will put them out. There will also be a smaller version for an email blast. The communications will also have a QR code to newsletter and email signup. Anna offered reimbursements if needed for printing.
  • Food trucks: Got in touch with contact for food truck information; suggested hiring one food truck and seeing how it goes.
  • Aiming for June 8th as the date; June 22nd is the rain date.
  • Supplement with items chosen food truck does not have from Costco. Anna came up with the brilliant idea of HOA-sponsored s’mores. Eric will do the shopping.

Lean-to Structure

  • Connor inspected it but did not tear it down because it was more than likely built by kids and not a livable structure. Connor will respond to the ticket to see if there are any further sightings or issues.
  • Discussed a possibility of making a trail on HOA land; could solicit the help of a scout troop in the effort.

Street Signs

  • Got a sample from the county to see what the signs would look like. Waiting to hear back on any sizing issues.
  • Leaning towards using the county services for compliance reasons.
  • Next step would be a proof with street numbers on it.
  • $1320 estimated cost, including the posts and mounting hardware. They do not install. We need to mark locations, call Miss utility, and find an installer.

GoTo Meeting Subscription

  • Should we move to a free platform? GoTo was utilized for pandemic times.
  • Will use Google Meet next meeting and decide.

Spring Yard Sale

  • April 20th is spring yard sale date.
  • Kristina volunteered to coordinate with the Martinsons to put the sign up timely.
  • Angela volunteered to make materials for the advertisement email and FB post.

Adjourned 8:26pm.